[UOS] Underground Operations Squad
About [UOS]
[UOS] Members Page
[UOS]'s Screens
[UOS]'s Contact Page
[UOS]'s Favorite Links
[UOS] Guest Book
Welcome To The [UOS] Home Page "The Underground Operations Squad"
Welcome to the [UOS] clan website. We are a clan that enjoys having fun and "Kicken Azz" at the same time! We have awesome links, so check em' out, and if you want to challenge us, feel cocky, then contact us, we never back down from a good fight !!! |
[UOS] TeamSpeak2 Server is TEMPORARY no UOS tags on in teamspeak.
Two new clan matches check it out!
KEEP RECRUITIN. I will have a better e-mail soon so just wait a lil while. Please get back to me on when you guys are available for practice. We must hold a meeting to straighten everything out teamspeak
Please read the information below, and make sure you check out the NEWS on the left!!!
[UOS] continues to drive its forces forward, waging "WAR" on whoever crosses our battlefield !!!
REMEMBER dont put on UOS tags while in teamspeak, just use ur normal in the teamspeak channels. |
*NEW* UOS has a klan war with the OZ clan and TD clan check it out on the Klan Wars section of the site !!!
*Remember* Sign The Guest Book. Then, please fill out the survey Form E-mailer to answer a few questions about our site, as your input will help us better help you by correcting or updating anything you may have thought needed improvement, and tell us what you liked so we can continue to provide you with best and newest up to date links and websites !!!
Hope you enjoy some of the custom work we have done for our site !!! Take a look and please enjoy your stay at the Home of the [UOS] Underground Operations Squad.
Email DeathDrop for anything important such as matches or tryouts
Remember to frequent this site often for up to date links to hottest and most impressive search engines and websites in the gaming world of "RENEGADE" !!!

"Remember we're a Team, a Great Clan, [UOS]
[UOS] CLAN LEADER [UOS]MagikChipmunk