All Links & Websites found below have been visited or are visited on a usual basis, and are thought to be by the [UOS] Clan some of the "Hottest" Sites around !!!
All Links and Websites below for your use contain various files for the game "RENEGADE" These links also include other web sites that the [UOS] Clan is affiliated with or that offer products and services that complement "RENEGADE". If your a hardcore gamer and play "RENEGADE" and you know of a site that might be some use to us please feel free to tell us about it on the (Comments) portion of the [UOS]'s Guest Book. We have our favorite sites listed below for you, so feel free to go check them out and stop by here for direct access to the "Hottest" RENEGADE links in the World !!!

All Links and Websites on this page are subject to change, due in part to usage and availability to the [UOS] Clan. If bigger and better sites are found out there please inform us, and in the same regards we will do the same by removing old sites and replacing them with the newest and "Hottest" sites available.
[UOS]'s Favorite Search Engines
Yahoo !
[UOS]'s Favorite Links
Gamespy Arcade
Gamespy 3D
WestWood Studios
Roger Wilco
Team Speak
CnC Ammo
CnC Den
Planet CnC
Battlefield Command